Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How do I integer out what type of unyielding drive I own on my computer?

How do I integer out what type of unyielding drive I own on my computer?

By type do you penny-pinching capacity? For that, dance to my computer and right click the local disk c:/ icon and choose properties and look at the pie chart. As for nouns type (Sata or IDE) open up the bag and look. The SATA will be a thin cable and the IDE will be a yawning, flat one.
Do a right click on the drive name and you can find out what features of hard drive you own. Mostly it shld be NTFS.

open up your grip and look at it.
There are basically two types of HD's on comps, SATA and IDE. Another type is SCSI, but mostly found on servers.

SATA HD's hold a thin cable from the motherboard to the HD, usually black or red surrounded by color.

IDE HD's have a wide-ranging cable, grey in color next to a red stripe down one side.
My computer, then right click on the C:/ drive statue, or just disappeared click ONCE, on the left side of your peak, the information about that drive should pop up. It'll update you.
Get into the BIOS you will know what kind you own.

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