Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How do you work apple l-mac mac os 9 computer?

how do you work a apple l-mac mac os 9 computer only some easy brass tacks so i can print them off please can anyone serve please urgent please explain in a unproblematic way as i dont no anything more or less computers

How do you work apple l-mac mac os 9 computer?

go to you library lend a book, cheap selection

depends what other software you have.. most of its run sour the top bar.. thats onscreen

you can't really mess it up, of late don't go messing in the region of in the extensions folder =)

look for the following at your library


umm, okay os 9 is a huge os, i reccommend imac for dummies by david pogue... if you could make a record of specific questions and email it 2 me popularcoach@gmail.com later i will answer them if i can. good luck!

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