Friday, September 17, 2010

How do I reformat 486 DX rugged drive and know how to reinstall DOS 6.2 and Microsoft Office -no internet access?

I am getting rid of the computer to someone I don't know and want to sort sure that they cannot retrieve any of my files, however, I do want them to be able to use the computer and the programs I hold.

How do I reformat 486 DX rugged drive and know how to reinstall DOS 6.2 and Microsoft Office -no internet access?

Take the original install discs for Dos, boot up near it, type FORMAT C: /S

Then look on the floppy (DIR A:) and see if there is an INSTALL or SETUP program, run it

Same for the other applications, install from disc.

Good lick trying to put on the market that antique though . . .

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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