Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How do you remove adminproaccount surrounded by the window login eyeshade. I dont know how it get created..?

I dont know how it get created. I suspect that I need to remove this adminproaccount for my other PC to access files from this computer.

because right presently my other pc can't access this PC but this PC can copy files to other laptop

How do you remove adminproaccount surrounded by the window login eyeshade. I dont know how it get created..?

go to start>controlpanel>user accounts>press on the admin. commentary and then chose remove password..
start-run-type nusrmgr.cpl-administrator-remo... password
Your query is a little faint - did you not have to log surrounded by before designation that your computer went straight through to the desktop? And in a minute the problem is you have a stop prior to getting to your desktop and you own to click on a user and possibly enter a password? This is what I am answering to, sorry if I am wrong.

Did you happen to do window update lately? If so, did you install .net framework? If so, specifically what made the administrator account and you will presently always own to log on to your computer. Some video cards now come beside the .net framework as all right packaged beside the drivers.

If you just want to remove the administrator statement - start, settings, control panel, user accounts. Once in the user accounts brand name sure you sent the administrator account to the other description and then delete the one you want to attain rid of.

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