Friday, September 17, 2010

How do i wall?

i want to wall my hard drive contained by little peices how do i do it i have a brand topical laptop and i need it to finishing it is windows xp not vista

How do i wall?

use screen magic software . download it free from the lattice . google partiion magic
Norton Partition Magic 8.0.

There's no freeware out in that that'll let you do it as verbs and easy as this program can. Don't really chew over there's any freeware that will let you anyway until you buy their free program.
When you install Windows XP you will seize the option to create any number of partition that you wish to enjoy on your Hard Disk Drive. Windows will be installed on the C:\ divider and then the other partition will be named suitably.

You do not need to buy or download or use any other third knees-up software to do this.

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