Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How do i reset my computer to the artistic settings?

i enjoy a fairly different HP pavillion desktop that i am selling. how do i reset all the setting to the inventive specs and wipe everything from the hard drive? i enjoy an HP backup/restore thingy on a separate partition on the c drive. how do i use it?

How do i reset my computer to the artistic settings?

You can format it adjectives over again using the windows CDs, after removing adjectives the files that you need from your computer by burning them into CDs or move to an external complicated desk. If you need anymore assistance don't vacillate to ask.
hi i know that this is not answering your question but i freshly wanted to ask you for how much are you sellin your computer for.effect im tryin to sale mine as capably and im not sure how much its worth
well try looking within your computer user manual. it should voice how to use the resotre cd's. but if it doesnt try putting the cd in the cd drive and next restart your computer. that how my restore cd's work mabey they work same 4 u

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