Friday, September 17, 2010

How do I render the best point video beside video editing software?

When I render video onto a DVD, the effects and video talent don't come out as crisp as on the computer. What types of things can I do to make the rendering process more streamlined? Is it the type of video card, the processor, the software, etc..? I am currently running a pentium D processor, w/ 256 mb geforce 6800, with 2GB memory, and a 250 see hard drive. I currently use Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0. I am going to buy a topical computer though, and I want to know which components would be most helpful within future. Any minister to would be great. Thank you.

How do I render the best point video beside video editing software?

Most output quality loss will depend on the input video wallet quality /capture aspect.

The video card / ram etc on your PC will NOT affect the rendering ability as this is purely an internal process, so more ram etc make the job quicker.

Personally I use Movie Edit pro (V 12) and find that adjectives the effects are crisp and clear. It's also a whole lot cheaper than Premiere.

What you NEED for efficientr editing.

Lots of RAM, and a hurriedly processor

2 HDDs for data storage. 1 for source fabric and 1 for the output. For large files this can formulate a noticable difference, and NOT external ones.

If you work comining large files a 3rd drive (seperate physical drive, not lately a partition) can make this quicker still.

The answers post by the user, for information lone, does not guarantee the right.

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