Friday, September 17, 2010

How do I replace the rock-hard drive on my coomputer? How do I get better the OS? The outmoded rugged drive have already crash

How do I replace the rock-hard drive on my coomputer? How do I get better the OS? The outmoded rugged drive have already crash

If you don't own the windows disk no...

If you do, set the BIOS to boot to CD-ROM. Then simply follow the instructions.

If you know nothing around computers, I advise you step to wherever you buy computers from, where on earth they can overcharge you for installing a new one. Cause the I.T industry would own died a long time ago if it wasn't for people approaching you. MUAH!! xoxoxo
hiya.. if u goin to change ur harddrive.. u stipulation to install ur operating system again.. coz ur previous OS goes away near ur HD.. and there is no opening u can retrive an OS from an HD..

so its better if u get some professional backing :)

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