Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How do I connect my power supply surrounded by my HP Pavilion??

We only got a fresh power supply for our HP Pavilion. I hooked it up, but our computer STILL isn't turning on! I was wondering if I don`t know I didn't connect it right? Does it matter where on earth the P2, P3, P4... etc... plugs are hooked in? If so... which go where?

I'm so confused, and the diagram they mail with the power supply doesn't lend a hand at all!

How do I connect my power supply surrounded by my HP Pavilion??

bring in sure the power cords ie. p1, p2, p3 are pushed in adjectives the way - and no it doesn't concern which one goes where on earth. Also make sure the ATX power supply is pushed within firmly on the board - the biggest plastic plug in that is to say attached to the power supply. Also, if you have a P4 chip formulate sure you plug in the small square 4 prong plug on the board or the computer won't boot. Lastly, check on the put a bet on of the new power supply to see if at hand is a switch that you have to turn on. If so, net sure the 1 side is pushed in/down like a bedside light switch.

If you have connected everything correctly, afterwards it wasn't the power supply to begin near, it is something else that is cause the problem.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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