Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How come my comp Hardrive memory of late get lower?

I consideration that on my hardrive i had emaciated 55 gigabytes but but i cheched each folder inside the drive and i found out i with the sole purpose use about 15 at the most..and purely now i installed steam and it brought me down from 230 gb to 228 gb...but after i uninstalled it and deleted its folderin program files which be 2.5 gb and i still have that supposed to be similar to that?

How come my comp Hardrive memory of late get lower?

Hard drives do not have memory, they hold capacity. The more you use your PC the smaller number available space on the drive. Just deleting a program from add/remove does not delete the in one piece program just the access pathway your PC uses to recognise and run the program. Do a dig out check of Steam, even though removed after the search you will see the majority of folders and files associated near steam still on your hard drive.

at hand are also many clandestine files and foldes that take up alot of space, for example the Restore Feature can clutch up over 10gbs of space and it is hidden.
window updates will gobble up valuable intricate drive real estate faster than you can say-so wow look at my hard drive space disappear!... Your page file (swapfile ) can grow to get together needs as ably, especially when running games. Try'd be surprised how much junk it'll find. perfect luck R
Until you do clean disc, some things remain bringing up the rear.

If you have 228 see, what do you care. You won't run out of space for a while.

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